What To Buy First?

Well, the most obvious answer to that question is a computer of some sort but I would presume that you already have one especially in light of the fact that you are here reading this guide.

If you are in need of a computer then to give you an idea of what is available on Amazon just click this link show me some computers.

When it comes to computers I have always been of the “buy the best you can afford” school of thought especially when it comes to dealing with graphics.

Now although I say buy the best you can afford that is not to imply that I am suggesting purchasing the most expensive, all singing all dancing model that is available.

Much as I would love to be in a position to do that I could not justify the cost of such a machine especially as most of the more powerful PC’s are intended for gaming use of which I have no real interest.

The ideal PC, be it desktop or laptop needs a good processor, ram and a reasonably decent graphics card. A good-sized hard drive is a bonus although with the quite affordable external drives available nowadays that does not need to be an important factor when deciding what to purchase.

I do not make any recommendation as to what model or make of computer you should buy as we each have our own preferences but I would say that although a tablet could do the job it would be with limitations so a PC is the way to go.

When I refer to a PC I should clarify that although I use Windows a Mac is just as capable of sublimation work.

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